Cordelro Medley enrolled at Harold Washington College to pursue an education that would help him help others. Having faced many challenges in his life, including child abuse, there was a time that he couldn’t see much of a future for himself. However, with the support of his grandmother, siblings, and friends, he turned his life around.
Cordelro goes out of his way to reach out to classmates that he doesn’t know, and tries to help others understand that no matter what you’ve been through, you can turn your life around and go on to do anything you set your mind to. He’s even convinced friends who stopped attending college to go back and pursue their own goals.

A classmate says, “Cordelro is a role model in his community. He has faced many hardships in his life, but no matter what the situation is, he still manages to keep a positive attitude and strive for success. He has always motivated me to never take no for an answer. Watching his journey has given me strength to stay encouraged and want more in life for myself.”

Cordelro graduated from Harold Washington College in December of 2017 and will start classes at DePaul University in the fall of 2018 to study criminal justice. Once he has his bachelor’s degree, he wants to use his own experiences to help children who are homeless, abused, or neglected.
